東京大学大気海洋研究所 地球表層圏変動研究センター 佐藤研

メンバー 2014年度版(2014.5.28)

佐藤正樹 教授 Masaki Satoh (satoh)

沢田雅洋 特任助教 Masahiro Sawada (sawada) 2012.10.1.- 2014.4.30.

井上豊志郎 特任研究員 Toshiro Inoue (toshiro)

  • Inoue,T., M. Satoh, H. Miura, B. Mapes (2008) Characteristics of cloud size of deep convection simulated by a global cloud resolving model. J. Meteor. Soc., Japan, 86A, 17-31.
  • Inoue, T., Satoh, M., Hagihara, Y., Miura, H., and Schmetz, J. (2010) Comparison of high-level clouds represented in a global cloud system resolving model with CALIPSO/CloudSat and geostationary satellite observations. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00H22, doi:10.1029/2009JD012371. Special collections in AGU Journals "Aerosol and Cloud Studies From CALIPSO and the A-Train"
  • 久保川陽呂鎮 特任研究員 Hiroyasu Kubokawa (kubok) 2010.4.1.-

  • Kubokawa, H., Fujiwara, M., Nasuno, T., Satoh, M. (2010) Analysis of the tropical tropopause layer using the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM): 1. Aqua-planet experiments. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D08102, doi:10.1029/2009JD012686.
  • Kubokawa, H., Fujiwara, M., Nasuno, T., Miura, H., Yamamoto, M., Satoh, M. (2012) Analysis of the tropical tropopause layer using the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM): 2. An experiment under the atmospheric conditions of December 2006--January 2007. J. Geophys. Res.,117,D17114, doi:10.1029/2012JD017737.
  • Satoh, M., Nihonmatsu, R., and Kubokawa, H. (2013) Environmental conditions for tropical cyclogenesis associated with African easterly waves. SOLA, 9, 120-124, doi:10.2151/sola.2013-027.
  • Kubokawa, H., Inoue, T., Satoh, M. (2014) Evaluation of the tourism climate index over Japan in a future climate using a statistical downscaling method. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 92, 37-54. DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2014-103.
  • 久芳奈遠美 特任研究員 Naomi Kuba (kuba), 2012.4.1.-

  • Kuba, N., Hashino, T., Satoh, M., and Suzuki, K. (2014) Relationships between layer-mean radar reflectivity and columnar effective radius of warm cloud: Numerical study using a cloud microphysical bin model. J. Geophys. Res., 119, DOI:10.1002/2013JD020276.
  • Woosub Roh (ws-roh) 特任研究員, 2014.4.1.-

  • 博士論文審査会 "An improvement of mesoscale convective structures of a nonhydrostatic model in the tropical region using satellite data" (2013.11) アブストラクト
  • Roh, W., and Satoh, M. (2014) Evaluation of precipitating hydrometeor parameterizations in a single-moment bulk microphysics scheme for deep convective systems over the tropical open ocean. J. Atmos. Sci., accepted. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-13-0252.1.
  • 荒金匠 D3 Takumi Arakane (arakane)

  • 修士論文「台風0616 に生じた爆発的対流に関する数値的研究」(2009.3) アブストラクト
  • Arakane, T., Satoh, M., Yanase, W. (2014) The Excitation of the Deep Convection to the North of Tropical Storm Bebinca (2006). J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 92, 141-161. DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2014-201.
  • 大野知紀 D3 Tomoki Oono (t-ohno)

  • 修士論文「3次元モデルにおける成熟期の軸対称的な熱帯低気圧の構造について」(2009.3)
  • 山田洋平 D3 Yohei Yamada (yoheiy)

  • Yamada, Y., Oouchi, K., Satoh, M., Tomita, H., Yanase, W. (2010) Projection of changes in tropical cyclone activity and cloud height due to greenhouse warming: global cloud-system-resolving approach. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07709, doi:10.1029/2010GL042518.
  • Yamada, Y., Oouchi, K., Satoh, M., Noda, A. T., Tomita, H. (2012) Sensitivity of tropical cyclones to large- scale environment in a global non-hydrostatic model with explicit cloud microphysics. In "Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control", Eds. K. Oouchi and H. Fudeyasu, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Chapter 7, 145-159.
  • Satoh, M., Oouchi, K., Nasuno, T., Taniguchi, H., Yamada, Y., Tomita,H., Kodama, C., Kinter, J., Achuthavarier, D. Manganello, J, Cash, B., Jung, T., Palmer, T., Wedi, N.(2012) The Intra-Seasonal Oscillation and its control of tropical cyclones simulated by high-resolution global atmospheric models. Clim. Dyn., 39, 2185-2206, DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1235-6.
  • Yamada, Y. and Satoh, M. (2013) Response of ice and liquid water paths of tropical cyclones to global warming simulated by a global nonhydrostatic model with explicit cloud microphysics. J. Climate, accepted. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00182.1.
  • 西川雄輝 D2 Yuki Nishikawa (y_nishi)

  • 修士論文「高度座標系におけるthin-wall近似による地形表現スキームの評価」(2013.3) アブストラクト

  • 研究室を離れた人, 卒業生

    端野典平 特任研究員 Tempei Hashino (hashino), 2010.7.21.-2013.7.12

  • Academia Sinica (台湾)へ転出 (2013.7)
  • Hashino, T., Satoh, M., Hagihara, Y., Kubota, T., Matsui, T., Nasuno, T., Okamoto, H. (2013) Evaluating cloud microphysics from the NICAM against CloudSat and CALIPSO. J. Geophys. Res., 118, accepted. doi:10.1002/jgrd.50564.
  • 宮川知己 特任研究員 Tomoki Miyakawa (miyakawa), 2011.10.1- 2013.6.30

  • JAMSTEC へ転出 (2013.7)
  • Miyakawa, T., Satoh, M., Miura, H., Tomita, H., Yashiro, H., Noda, A. T., Yamada, Y., Kodama, C., Kimoto, M., Yoneyama, K. (2014) Madden-Julian Oscillation prediction skill of a new-generation global model. Nature Commun., 5, 3769. doi:10.1038/ncomms4769.
  • Miyakawa, T., Takayabu, Y. N., Nasuno, T., Miura, H., Satoh, M., Moncrieff, M. W. (2012) Convective momentum transport by rainbands within a Madden-Julian oscillation in a global nonhydrostatic model with explicit deep convective processes. Part I: Methodology and general results. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 1317-1338.
  • 清木達也 特任研究員 Tatsuya Seiki (tseiki), 2010.4-2011.3

  • 理化学研究所計算科学研究機構へ転出(2011.4), 現在JAMSTEC.
  • Seiki, T., Satoh, M., Tomita, H., Nakajima, T. (2014) Simultaneous evaluation of ice cloud microphysics and non-sphericity of the cloud optical properties using hydrometeor video sonde and radiometer sonde in-situ observations. J. Geophys. Res., accepted.
  • Seiki, T. and Nakajima, T. (2013) Aerosol Effects of the Condensation Process on a Convective Cloud Simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 833-853. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-12-0195.1.
  • 柳瀬亘 特任助教 Wataru Yanase (yanase) 2006.4-2009.4

  • 東京大学海洋研究所へ転出(2009.4), 現在大気海洋研究所海洋物理学部門助教
  • Fudeyasu, H., Wang, Y., Satoh, M., Nasuno, T., Miura, H., Yanase, W. (2008) The Global Cloud-Resolving Model NICAM Successfully Simulated the Lifecycles of Two Real Tropical Cyclones. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22808, doi:10.1029/2008GL036003.
  • Yanase, W., Taniguchi, H., Satoh, M. (2010) The genesis of tropical cyclone Nargis (2008): Environmental modulation and numerical predictability. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 88, 497-519. doi:10.2151/jmsj.2010-314.
  • Yamada, Y., Oouchi, K., Satoh, M., Tomita, H., Yanase, W. (2010) Projection of changes in tropical cyclone activity and cloud height due to greenhouse warming: global cloud-system-resolving approach. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07709, doi:10.1029/2010GL042518.
  • Fudeyasu, H., Wang, Y., Satoh, M., Nasuno, T., Miura, H., Yanase, W. (2010) Multiscale Interactions in the Lifecycle of a Tropical Cyclone Simulated in a Global Cloud-System-Resolving Model, Part I: Large-Scale and storm-scale evolutions. Mon. Wea. Rev, 138, 4285-4304. doi:10.1175/2010MWR3474.1.
  • Fudeyasu, H., Wang, Y., Satoh, M., Nasuno, T., Miura, H., Yanase, W. (2010) Multiscale interactions in the lifecycle of a tropical cyclone simulated in a global cloud-system-resolving model part II: system-scale and mesoscale processes. Mon. Wea. Rev, 138, 4305-4327. doi:10.1175/2010MWR3475.1.
  • Taniguchi, H., Yanase, W., Satoh, M. (2010) Ensemble simulation of cyclone Nargis by a Global Cloud-system-resolving Model -- modulation of cyclogenesis by the Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 88, 571-591. doi:10.2151/jmsj.2010-317.
  • Yanase, W., Satoh, M., Yamada, H., Yasunaga,K., Moteki, Q. (2010) Continual influences of tropical waves on the genesis and rapid intensification of Typhoon Durian (2006). Geophys. Res. Lett., VOL. 37, L08809. doi:10.1029/2010GL042516.
  • Matsuno, T., Satoh, M., Tomita, H., Nasuno, T., Iga, S., Miura, H., Noda, A. T., Oouchi, K., Sato, T., Fudeyasu, H., Yanase W. (2011) Cloud-cluster-resolving global atmosphere modeling - A challenge for the new age of tropical meteorology. In "The Global Monsoon System, Research and Forecast", 2nd Edition, edited by Chih-Pei Chang, Yihui Ding, Ngar-Cheung Lau, Richard H Johnson, Bin Wang, and Tetsuzo Yasunari, World Scientific Pub Co Inc, pp. 608.
  • Yanase, W., Satoh, M., Taniguchi, H., Fujinami, H. (2012) Seasonal and intra-seasonal modulation of tropical cyclogenesis environment over the Bay of Bengal during the extended summer monsoon. J. Clim., 25, 2914-2930.
  • Yanase, W., Satoh, M., Iga, S., Chan, J. C. L., Fudeyasu, H., Wang, Y. (2012) Multi-scale dynamics of tropical cyclone formations in an equilibrium simulation using a global cloud-system resolving model. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Chapter 10, 221-231.
  • 佐藤友徳 特任助教 Tomonori Sato (t_sato) 2006.4-2009.3

  • 北海道大学地球環境へ転出(2009.4)
  • Sato, T., Miura, H., Satoh, M. (2007) Spring diurnal cycle of clouds over Tibetan Plateau: global cloud-resolving simulations and satellite observations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18816, doi:10.1029/2007GL030782.
  • Sato, T., T. Yoshikane, M. Satoh, H. Miura, and H. Fujinami (2008) Resolution dependency of the diurnal cycle of convective clouds over the Tibetan Plateau in a mesoscale model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 86A, 17-31.
  • Sato, T., Miura, H., Satoh, M., Takayabu, Y. N., Wang, Y. (2009) Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the tropics simulated by a global cloud resolving model. J. Clim., 22, 4809-4826; DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI2890.1.
  • 北尾雄志 Yuushi Kitao (kitao)

  • 修士論文「領域版NICAMを用いた中国南部における降水の日変動に関する研究」(2013.3) アブストラクト
  • Satoh, M., and Kitao, Y. (2013) Numerical examination of the diurnal variation of summer precipitation over southern China. SOLA, 9, 130-134, doi:10.2151/sola.2013-029.
  • 永嶋 健 Ken Nagashima (k-naga)

  • 修士論文「CloudSatとCALIPSOの複合利用データを用いた中国南東部と東シナ海における霧・下層雲に関する研究」(2013.3) アブストラクト
  • 二本松良輔 Ryosuke Nihonmatsu (rhosuke)

  • 修士論文「偏東風波動に関連する熱帯低気圧発生要因の研究」(2012.3) アブストラクト
  • Satoh, M., Nihonmatsu, R., and Kubokawa, H. (2013) Environmental conditions for tropical cyclogenesis associated with African easterly waves. SOLA, 9, 120-124, doi:10.2151/sola.2013-027.
  • 松田優也 Yuya Matsuda (myuya)

  • 修士論文「放射対流平衡問題における雲面積の雲物理依存性」(2008.3) アブストラクト
  • Satoh, M., Matsuda, Y. (2009) Statistics on high-cloud areas and their sensitivities to cloud microphysics using single-cloud experiments. J. Atmos. Sci., 66, 2659-2677, DOI:10.1175/2009JAS2948.1.

  • 2013年度下半期 2013年度上半期 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 2009年度