Recent Publications

Kasami, K., Satoh, M. (2024)
Mechanism of secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones revealed by sensitivity experiments on the mesoscale descending inflow.

Satoh, M., et al. (2022)
Evaluation of cloud and precipitation processes in regional and global models with ULTIMATE. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science.

Kodama, S., Satoh, M. (2022) Statistical analysis of remote precipitation in Japan caused by typhoons in September. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.

Islam, Md, Satoh, M. and Takagi, H. (2022)
Tropical Cyclones Affecting Japan Central Coast and Changing Storm Surge Hazard since 1980. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.

Seneviratne et al. (2021) Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate. IPCC AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis.

Roh et al. (2021) Intercomparison of cloud properties in DYAMOND simulations over the Atlantic Ocean. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan.

Inoue et al. (2021) On the semidiurnal variation in surface rainfall rate over the tropics in a global cloud-resolving model simulation and satellite observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan.

Takasuka, D., M. Satoh (2020) New perspective of dynamical roles of Mixed Rossby-gravity waves in initiation and propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation.
J. Atmos. Sci.

Allison Wing et al. (2020) RCEMIP outcomes! Clouds and Convective Self-Aggregation in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations.

Ohno, T., Noda. A.T., Satoh, M. (2020) Importance of sub-grid ice cloud physics in a turbulence scheme to high clouds and their response to global warming.

Takahashi, H. G., N. Kamizawa, T. Nasuno, Y. Yamada, C. Kodama, S. Sugimoto, and M. Satoh (2020) Response of the Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation to GlobalWarming in a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model.

Nakamura et al. (2020) Yuhi Nakamura's first paper published: The role of Typhoon Kilo (T1517) in the Kanto-Tohoku heavy rainfall event in Japan in September 2015.

Matsugishi et al. (2020) Shuhei Matsugishi's first paper published: Impact of latent heat flux modifications on the reproduction of an MJO event during the 2015 Pre-YMC campaign using NICAM.

Sugi et al. (2020, SOLA) Future changes in the global frequency of tropical cyclone seeds.

Sui et al. (2020, JMSJ) Review paper on precipitation efficiency and its role in cloud-radiative feedbacks to climate variability.

Kuba et al. (2020,JAMES)
Evaluation of rain microphysics using the Joint-Simulator and KiDs by comparing two-moment bulk and spectral bin cloud microphysics schemes (NDW6 vs Kuba-scheme).

Kodama et al. (2019, GRL) A New Perspective for Future Precipitation Change from Intense Extratropical Cyclones.

Seiki et al. (2019,JGRA) Characteristics of ice clouds over mountain regions detected by CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite observations.

Bjorn Stevens et al. (2019, PEPS) DYAMOND: The DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains.

Satoh et al. (2019, Curr. Clim. Res. Report) Review on Global Cloud-Resolving Models and introduction to the project DYAMOND.

Yamada et al.(2019,GRL) High-resolution Ensemble Simulations of Intense Tropical Cyclones and Their Internal Variability During the El Ninos of 1997 and 2015.

Takasuka et al.(2019,GRL) Observational evidence of mixed Rossby-gravity waves as a driving force for the MJO convective initiation and propagation.

Satoh et al.(2018, PEPS) The SOUSEI program summary paper, toward reduction of the uncertainties in climate sensitivity due to cloud processes using a global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model.

Ishijima et al.(2018, SOLA) Analysis of high radon-222 concentration events using multi-horizontal-resolution NICAM simulations (up to dx=14km).

Ohno and Satoh (2018,JAMES) NICAM RCE experimets show that high cloud cover increases as SST warmers, in general, but cloud microphysics and vertical resolution affects this dependency. (2018/07/10)

Kotsuki et al. (2018,JGR)
Online Model Parameter Estimation with NICAM-LETKFE using GSMaP. (2018/07/02)

Roberts et al. (2018,BAMS)
The benefits of global high-resolution for climate simulation. (2018/06/14)

Takasuka et al. (2018,JAMES)
The mechanisms of MJO onset revealed by NICAM APE simulations. (2018/04/06)

Wing et al. (2018,GMD)
RCEMIP paper published. (2018/03/05)

Chen et al. (2018,JAMES)
Impact of snow on OLR using NICAM dataset. (2018/01/24)

Uchida et al. (2017, MWR) The first paper on Diamond-NICAM and its comparison to the global NICAM (2017/10/21).

Yamashita et al. (2017,SOLA)
Stratosphere-to-troposphere transport is evaluated with the K-computer run of NICAM.

Roh and Satoh (2018,JMSJ)
Use of microwaves for evaluation of cloud-precipitation systems in NICAM.

Miyakawa et al. (2017,GRL)
A Madden-Julian Oscillation event remotely accelerates ocean upwelling to abruptly terminate the 1997/1998 super El Nino.

Yamada et al. (2017,J. Climate): Size of intense tropical cyclone is projected to be increased under warmer condition.

Satoh et al (2017,PEPS): NICAM K-Computer/Post K Project Summary paper published (2017/4/28)

Nakano et al. (2017, Mon. Wea. Rev.) : Genesis of Super Cyclone Pam (2015). Accepted (2017/04/26)

Roh et al. (2017, JAS) : A single bulk cloud microphysics scheme of NICAM is improved using TRMM and a satellite simulator.

NICAM review paper: Satoh et al. (2014)
PEPS, 1, 18.

Satoh (2013) : "Atmospheric Circulation Dynamics and General Circulation Models, 2nd edition", Springer-PRAXIS.