Virtual Laboratory for the Earth’s Climate Diagnostics

About the VL series

The Virtual Laboratory for the Earth’s Climate Diagnostics Program (VL) is a collaborative project that started in 2007 by four university research centers: AORI at The University of Tokyo, the HyARC at Nagoya University, CAOS at Tohoku University, and CEReS at Chiba University.

About VL 2015

We have arranged the VL 2015 workshop to also to be a University Allied Workshop (UAW) in hope of offering opportunities for young scientists to build relationships that will continue throughout their professional careers. The original UAW was an annual workshop jointly involving the former Center for Climate System Research (CCSR, which is now part of AORI, and universities from other Eastern Asian countries.

The workshop will consist of presentations by students and early career researchers on atmospheric modeling, simulations, and analyses, and tutorials/lectures on the Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM).