Previous VL workshops

・ 8th VL workshop, 18 - 19 Sep., 2014 in Sendai
  Lecture topic: Impacts of CO2 and Aerosol on the Climate

・ 7th VL workshop, 24 - 25 Sep., 2013 in Nagoya
  Lecture topic: Mesoscale Analyses

・ 6th VL workshop, 18 - 19 Aug., 2012 in Chiba
  Lecture topic: Aerosol Monitoring

・ 5th VL workshop, 23 - 24 Feb., 2012 in Kashiwa
  Lecture topic: Global Cloud Resolving Model

・ 4th VL workshop, 21 - 22 Sep., 2010 in Sendai
  Lecture topic: Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

・ 3rd VL workshop, 15 - 16 Sep., 2009 in Nagoya
  Lecture topic: Storm Modelling / Satellite Data Simulation

・ 2nd VL workshop, 10 - 12 Sep., 2008 in Chiba
  Lecture topic: Remote Sensing

・ 1st VL workshop, 5 - 6 Aug., 2007 in Sapporo
  Lecture topic: Climate Modelling