Full depth distribution of microbial abundance and production database(FddMAP)

This database compiles microbial (prokaryotic cells and viruses) abundance and production data collected in the oceanic water columns during the Hakuho-maru cruises. Associated ancillary information (CTD and nutrient data) is also provided with the permission of cruise directors and/or the PI’s responsible for the data collection and management. For the ancillary information, see the disclaimer of the “Hakuho maru and Tansei maru Database” When a part or all of the contents of this site are referred to, please cite as "FddMAP".

About the data
Detailed descriptions of the determination methods for microbial abundance and production are provided in the following literature.
Yang Y., Motegi C., Yokokawa T., Nagata T. (2010) Large-scale distribution patterns of virioplankton in the upper ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 60: 233-246
Yokokawa, T., Yang, Y., Motegi, C. and Nagata, T. (2013) Large-scale geographical variation in prokaryotic abundance and production in meso- and bathypelagic zones of the central Pacific and Southern Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. 58(1): 61-73.
Yang Y., Motegi C., Yokokawa T., Nagata T. Large-scale distribution of viruses in deep waters of the Pacific and Southern Oceans. Under review
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